Nineteenth Avenue Japanese Baptist Church has had the privilege and blessing to be part of the Church of the Nations, five different language groups founded and supported by nineteenth ave baptist church
Nineteenth Avenue Chinese Baptist Church *
Minister Henry Poon
1398 19th Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122
Sunday mornings:
9:00 am- Worship
11:00 am- Fellowship & Bible Study
*small groups throughout the week
[services in Cantonese]
Nineteenth Avenue Japanese Baptist Church
Rev. Tony Kuriyama
1386 19th Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122
[services in Japanese]
Nineteenth Avenue Vietnamese Mission *
Rev. Duong Ha
Sunday afternoons:
12:15 pm- Bible Study
1:00 pm- Worship
Nineteenth Avenue Arabic Church
Rev. Halteh Yousef
(e-mail nabcoffice@gmail.com for more info)
**Meets in South San Francisco
Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church*
Pastor Otgonbaatar Ochir
Sunday afternoon:
2:30 pm- Worship
*small groups throughout the week
[services in Mongolian]
(e-mail nabcoffice@gmail.com for more info)
Our fellowship of churches meets jointly 3 times a year including Christmas and Palm Sunday worship services, as well as a Labor Day picnic.
*Chinese, Vietnamese, and Mongolian services are held at the Nineteenth Avenue Baptist Church building (1370 19th Ave.)
Church of the Nations